WEEK 10 - Emotion Tracker


Emotion Tracker could track your mood easily. It provides a flexible system making it easy to keep track of any mood-related information such as happy, nervous, surprised..etc. Intuitively, human beings connect different moods with different kinds of seasons or weather conditions. Thus, Claire and I are going to create themes that represent connect facial expressions with small games. 

We use clmtrackr which is a javascript library for fitting facial models to faces in videos or images. It currently is an implementation of constrained local models fitted by regularized landmark mean-shift, as described in Jason M. Saragih's paperclmtrackr tracks a face and outputs the coordinate positions of the face model as an array, following the numbering of the model below: (https://github.com/auduno/clmtrackr). By combining with my previous egg games, I used facial detection to control the left/right movement. 


Week 4-5: Repetition with Variation Loops, map(), sin() cos(), intro to functions, translate, rotate, scale

Loops, map(), sin() cos(), intro to functions, translate, rotate, scale




translate(0, radius);

rotate(radians(i*2)); s

cale(map(sin(radians(i*scaleX)), -1, 1, min, max),

map(sin(radians(i*scaleY)), -1, 1, min, max));

drawEllipse(); pop(); translate(0, radius); // move into position for next sine

sines[i] = (sines[i]+(fund+(fund*i*ratio)))%TWO_PI; // update angle based on fundamental


Week 3: Animation Time, frame rate, review conditionals, loops, map()

In this week, I tried to use the time and steering behavior to create the animation time. However, I don't t know how to optimize the function to make it faster and smoother. 


Text Use: AvenirNextLTPro-Demi.otf

var points = font.textToPoints (hour()+":"+minute()+":"+second(),20,300);
  //show the ouline of texts
  for (var i=0; i<points.length; i++)  {
  var pt = points [i];
  var vehicle = new Vehicle (pt.x, pt.y);
  // stroke(255);

OpenProcessing, The Editor, Canvas, Shapes, Fills

Mondrian - Basic Shapes/Fills Practice



In this week, I downloaded the P5 Editor and try to use the basic function  (Shapes, Fills and mouseIsPressed) to create a simple shape

//black ('#0a0a0a');