Week 5 - Motion Capture Systems That Don’t Cost $60,000


This week we tried to use Perception Neuron and UE4 doing a small animation in weekend.

Click here for “how can I setup the UE4 Plugin”

Click here for OptiTrack Unreal Engine 4 Plugin

Click here for ive with Perception Neuron - Axis Neuron and Unreal Configuration

Compared to previous workshops, this workshop is faster and easier, but the quality is not as good as optitrack.

Step 1: Check if you have everything (including hub, neurons, gloves, usb cable, body straps..etc)

Step 2: USB Interface

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  • Perception Neuron works in Wifi and USB mode. There are 2 mini USB ports on the Hub

  • For USB mode, use the upper port to link the Hub with computer for data transmission and power supply.

Step 3: Prepare Working Environment

  • Set up wifi router (set up the unicycle pswd)

  • Download and install the sexy AXIS NEURON installation package from neuronmocap.com

Step 4: Put on the gloves and body straps (Thanks to pratik for acting!)

  • Plug Neurons into the gloves and body straps

  • Put on the gloves and body straps

  • Link the Hub with gloves and body straps

Step 5: Link with computer and connect.

Step 6: The four step calibration

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  • Click on the Calibration icon

  • Perform the four-step calibration (steady pose, a pose, t pose and s pose)

  • Check real-time mocap animation

Step 7: Open UE4 and streaming (remember to create bp and change to the right name)

Recording video is here:


Week 4 - Movement for Motion Capture


Last week, I join two groups to practice and it is really fun. It’s good to see how different people collaborate with each other and create something really fun. Also, by targeting the movement to my avatar, I could clearly see the bad quality without data cleaning.

Section A

I was also touched by the moment when we tried to rig two lovely people and it works! Ridwan and Gabriel’s daughter, Stella did really good job on performing.

Stella and Ridwan

Stella and Ridwan

Stella and Ridwan <Beauty and Beast> Clip

Stella and Ridwan <Beauty and Beast> Clip

Ridwan &lt;Floating&gt; Clip

Ridwan <Floating> Clip

Ridwan &lt;Spiderman&gt; Clip

Ridwan <Spiderman> Clip

my favorite floating record.gif

Section B

thanks to shuting for her wonderful performance, we created some really interesting movements

Homework creating 3 bp for interaction.

this time I tried substance painters, sound, and toggle point light

Week 3 - Data Cleaning


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Character-making using medium


We tried data cleaning in this week’s workshop.

Below are the procedures:

Step 0:

Before cleaning


Step 1:

Edit layout (open trim tails)

*at least record two tapes named good and best


Step 2:

Change color of the skeleton

*click file name and display windows.


Step 3:

Click data view (the third one tracks view)

open data labeling


Step 4:

Copy our files together (back up)

save as .tak file and copy the entire folder


There are two types of data: missing or mislabel

For the mislabelling one: find gap in the bottom & match from tables

Quick mode & Select mode


Step 6:

Address gap (channel view)

Find next button to find data

  • linear

  • cubic (for curve)

  • model-based (sth is missing)

Step 7: Motion Builder after exporting as 30fps .fbx files

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Week 2 - Purple World

This week I tried to use 3ds max and Unreal to create a white sand environment.


A World of “Ice and Fire”

I want to create a radical inclusion world which includes several characters. They will take you into different levels and show you different aspects of this world

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Second Week - Calibration and Rigid body Lab

Unlike previous week which only Create Optitrack Client Origin and object, we calibrated the room and created a skeleton for our team this week. We have some difficulties rigging our model in unreal since we realized each part has to named step by step.

How-To for the MoCap System 

A. Start and Calibration 

a. Wanding 

Before wanding, we need to check the number to make sure there is no marker. 

Make sure that every connected cameras get over 10,000 markers

b. Calculate

When it shows exceptional, it is ok to use.

c. Positioning

When those cameras are tilted, we use Z-axis stand to adjust the position.

B. Marker Up

Open the Skeleton pane and choose a marker set you wish to use. Follow the skeleton avatar diagram for placing the markers. If you are using a mocap suit, make sure that the suit fits as tightly as possible. Motive derives the position of each body segment from related markers that you place on the suit. (make sure there are 41 marks each person)

Thanks to Izzy

Thanks to Izzy

Make sure all marks are positioned correctly

Make sure all marks are positioned correctly

C. Define Skeletons and Rigid Bodies

To define a rigid body, simply select three or more markers in the Perspective View, right-click, and select Rigid Body → Create Rigid Body From Selected. You can also utilize CTRL+T hotkey for creating rigid body assets.

D. Record Data

Once the volume is calibrated and skeletons are defined, now we are ready to capture. In the Control Deck at the bottom, press the dimmed red record button or simply press the spacebar when in the Live mode to begin capturing.

E. Import models into UE4

(We use Mixamo to download one character and name each skeleton in UE4)

Below is the tutorial that Todd helped us out rigging our monster using Teamviewer)


E. Data Streaming and Acting

Simi and I were doing acting while our other team members doing recordings and moving chairs

Week 1 - Introduction


  • Use Pinterest or another similar program to create a mood board describing what of environment/world you want to create in Unreal.  What is the place you want to put all your mocap?

Tea & Temple

Chinese Tea Culture - China National Tea Museum and Temple culture

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Calibration and Rigid body Lab

How-To for the MoCap System 

A. Start and Calibration 

a. Wanding 

Before wanding, we need to check the number to make sure there is no marker. 

Make sure that every connected cameras get over 10,000 markers


b. Calculate

When it shows exceptional, it is ok to use.

c. Positioning

When those cameras are tilted, we use Z-axis stand to adjust the position.

B. Recording 

a. Click on the typical red recording button :red_circle: to start an acquisition

b. Click again on the button to stop recording

c. Combine those dots together and rename it 

C. Connecting 

a. Open Epic UE4, create a project 

b. Check Motive’s server and local interface  on the right side of the view point 

View Data Streaming on Motive and check the local interface (

Also, set bone naming convention as “motive”.


c. Create Optitrack Client Origin and object. (also don’t forget to press data streaming in motive)


d. Connect using server and local server

e. Match each objects to each shapes that we created (We find it wired when we set the target, using from 0 refers to 1) 

f.  “Simulate” the movement and play in motive in the meantime   

